Personal Narrative: My Life With Leukemia

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I thought nothing of it; my dad had just left to supposedly get some tests done. I knew something was wrong because he had some weird bruises, but something like cancer never crossed my mind. I decided to go to sleep hoping to see dad in the morning. Morning came and I knew something much worse than expected had happened. My aunt came in that morning and said that we needed to talk. That day my sister and I found out that our dad had Leukemia. We found out on December 26, 2013, my family and I were in South Carolina visiting family for Christmas and we were about to take a new year’s trip to Florida. At that time we were living in Honduras and I was in 7th grade. I was just a normal kid who enjoyed life living in Honduras, going to a private school and playing tennis every day. Nothing horribly bad had really happened to me yet in my life. Finding out that my dad had Leukemia meant more than just he could die, it meant that life as we knew it would totally change. He was diagnosed with a really rare type of Leukemia that couldn’t be treated in the Honduras, so that meant that we had to move, in the middle of 7th grade. The day my sister and I found out, we went to see him in the hospital. He didn't look too good and was about to start crying. I never thought that from that day on, to enter …show more content…

He was always smiling, never missed work when he could work, and never complained during his whole time in the hospital. My dad's attitude is what got him to remission. That taught me that anything is possible with the right attitude. I think my dad can relate a lot to Stuart Scott and his above quote because from watching interviews with Scott, he always had a smile on his face. Although Scott didn’t beat cancer, his attitude was just like my dad’s and that’s why I chose to use one of Scott’s quotes to relate to my dad and his

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