Household Cleaning Products as Teratogens

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Young mother Molly Jones Gray always wished of holding soft delicate babies in her hands, but never expected to have trouble trying to get pregnant. She had many miscarriages, and learned that because of household products she had could not become pregnant. She became part of a study to find out if there were any chemicals in her body that she did not know of. According to the study, Molly had higher levels of mercury, in contrast to the other women in the study. She also learned that the household cleaners she was currently using affected not only her, but also the fetus inside her. Health experts today are trying to examine the health risks involved with cosmetics, cleaning products, and cans (Toxic).

While women are pregnant, do they consider they might be taking risks while using any cleaning products at home? When do women ever consider house-cleaning products as teratogens? Do they ever stop and think that when they are touching and smelling a common cleaning product it might affect the fetus? Why are women so naïve about the harmful chemicals that these cleaning products contain?

Teratogens are any substances that may harm the fetus in their development stages (Crandell 94). Today the most common teratogens are known as smoking, alcohol, marijuana, caffeine, cocaine and other kinds as well (Crandell 96). Each year 1.6 million people die because of indoor air pollution, according to the World Health Organization (The Deirdre).

Women have always been stereotyped as being the mother who stays home and has the responsibility of the household and maintaining the children. Presently mothers work outside the home, but they still have the responsibility of taking care of the household. “One study of 20 industrialized countries ...

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... 94, 96-97,191. Print.

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