House On Mango Street Research Paper

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In the novel, The House on Mango Street, the protagonist, Esperanza, has a desperate desire to leave home, but even after leaving she finds that still home remains significant in her life. The reasons for home’s continued influence in her life are that the house on Mango Street is the first her family ever owned, it is the place where she found herself and became a writer, and she feels as if she must save the women she leaves behind on Mango Street. This idea of home that Cisneros creates in Esperanza by the end of the novel illuminates the overall theme that home is not just a physical place, but an emotional and psychological place as well that one must not forget about.Although the house on Mango Street was not the house that Esperanza …show more content…

Throughout the novel Esperanza holds on to the dream of fleeing Mango Street and having a large nice house of her own. In fact, she wishes to leave on numerous occasions. By the end of the novel, Esperanza appreciates the house on Mango Street as her home, and wants to improve her home for generations to come.Throughout the novel Esperanza searches for her true identity. First, she wants to change her name to define herself instead of representing family heritage because she was named after her great-grandmother. Then, when Esperanza goes through puberty she becomes more sexually aware and curious which leads to her friendship with Sally. Eventually, Esperanza finds her identity in writing at accepts her name and stops trying to force herself into sexually that she is not ready for. She learns that the most important and influential way for her to define herself and her story is through her writing. Her journey to define herself is all done on Mango Street, and that is why home is a place that continues to influence her life even after she leaves.Along her journey Esperanza encounters three

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