House Of The Red Fish Loyalty Quotes

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A trait is a distinguishing quality that seperates you from everyone else. Loyalty is one of the many healthy traits you may have. This word could mean many different things, but have one thing in comman. Three words that strongly represets loyalty is, caring, thoughtful, and dedication. In “House of the Red Fish” some of the characters demonstrate loyalty, and it is a quality that makes them who they are. In chapter 13, Mr. and Mrs. Davies showed loyalty by caring. Grandpa Joji just got to the hostiptal because he had a stroke and the Davies asked Tomi and his family if they wanted to go see him. This is a excellent example of loyalty because caring is a key part of this trait, you need to care and help others even if it means going out of your way to help them. In this case, Mr. and Mrs Davies went out of their way to take Tomi, his Mama, and Kimi to the hospital to see thier Grandpa. If you were not a loyal person, you wouldn’t even think about taking Tomi and his family to visit their Grandpa. …show more content…

In chapter 22, Tomi was very thoughtful when he found Sanji’s keys. He did not just keep it to himself, he drove to Reiko’s house and gave it to her. Tomi showed loyalty by thinking about others when he found something that was very valuable. If someone is not being thoughtful, they are not demonstrating loyalty. Being thoughtful means thinking of others and putting their need before yours. This is a very hard characteristic to have. All of your action have to come from your heart and not because someone tells

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