House Of Representatives Essay

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The purpose of this chapter is to discuss relevant points associated with the congressional transitions. Congress has two chambers. The House of Representatives (HR) is known as the lower chamber and the people’s representatives. There are 435 members who are elected or re-elected every two years. Their tenure depends on being responsive to their district’s electorate. Once elected their second responsibility is to the leadership of their caucus which includes all of the members of their national political party. Their third responsibility is to the national political party that they belong to. The electorate demands that their representative conduct congressional scope of work is clearly associated with the issues requiring resolution in …show more content…

Unlike the House, the Senate is smaller and is elected to six year terms. Its membership stands for election every three years in a predictable rotation based on the end of incumbents’ terms. The upper chamber is considered to be more collegial and flexible in their dealings with the national party because they work in a smaller political environment and different procedures and pressures than the HR. Senators must be sensitive to their constituents’ needs as well as the importance of maintain collegial relationships with their colleagues and influential members in the House of Representatives. The bottom line is that senators look out for their state’s interests. At the same time they comply with national party’s principles and …show more content…

If the Senate majority becomes the minority following an election, the national party with the majority takes over. This means committee assignments, chairmanships, and key positions in the Senate would be controlled by the new majority leader. This happens in the Senate more frequently than in the House; however, when the senate changes and the House majority remains the same, the capability of both Houses to agree on the substance of new legislation is compromised. The difficulty is difference in philosophy of the two bodies. Thus negotiations between the two Houses is the only way to approach as solution. This means compromise and flexibility which is more likely to occur in the

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