Hotel Mongolia Poem

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: The question most commonly asked within the music industry is: why does the human brain pick up on certain sounds and find them appealing? Song contain rhythm, often found in poetry, that paints a picture within one's brain the same way a poem would. Every melody comes to life using a series of different words infused with such detail the audience visually connects to the story. Phrases within songs and poems often symbolize a greater meaning allowing the audience to understand the analogy. Poems contain certain sounds that appeal the a large audience- simply melodies and calm rhythm versus heavy beats and deep vibrations. The most common trait found in poems is the correlation between words through rhyme. Thesis: Hotel California a song written by Don Felder appeals to many for the connection it has to the audience through images, sounds, and rhym. II - Descriptive writing, which creates vivid imagery for the listener. The wording within the first two lines of Hotel California contains images freedom, “On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair. Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air”. …show more content…

One might imagine of their good old days back to when they were in their prime or maybe they simply had a dream to follow. As the song goes on it describes even more images of a higher society, “Mirrors on the ceiling, the pink champagne on ice”. One may find this new ‘California dream’ enticing. Throughout the song the journey changes, California it is no longer “a woman in the light”. Later in the story we see California expressed as a prison, “we are all just prisoners here, of our own device” Many like Don move to California in search of money, drugs, and

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