Hostile Sexism Essay

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This research review focuses on the hostile and benevolent sexism in today’s society. Hostile sexism is the view that women are inferior to men, whereas benevolent sexism is putting women on a “pedestal” and believing that need men to protect them. While benevolent isn’t the more obvious form of sexism, it still plays a large role in the inequality of women. The article goes on to say that women throughout history have always been somewhat disadvantaged by society because men always hold the highest roles. Some researchers even said that women are destined to domestic roles due to our genetics of being warm and nurturing. Glick and Fiske hypothesized that men holding all the power, men and women having different roles in society and dependency …show more content…

It contains 22 questions that have to do with sexism as a whole and 11 questions that have to do with hostile and benevolent attitudes towards women. This survey is important because it has been taken over by over 15,000 people and now shows trends of sexism across cultures. This article reviews a few studies, two of them done by Glick, Diebold, Bailey-Werner and Zhu in 1997. The article doesn’t give much information on who was sampled or how it was done, but it does tell us that the researchers used evaluation to categorize women. These two studies ended up showing us how “subtyping” women into housewives, career women, etc. are directly related to the benevolent and hostile sexism. The study also showed that men’s sexism predicted women’s, in that women are almost accepting of sexism in today’s culture. The article also reviews the Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM) and Gender Development Index (GDI), which are both published by the United Nations Development Programme. The GEM used a sample size of 18 countries, while the GDI used 19 countries, however the people sampled within these the countries are not necessarily representative. Throughout both surveys they found that men’s hostile and benevolent sexism was higher than women’s and that sexism is strongly correlated with gender

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