Hospitality In The Odyssey Essay

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Hospitality is very important in the Odyssey includes the features of culture and religion. Hospitality today is nothing like it is in the Odyssey. Today, good hospitality is being friendly and respectful to a guest and we also have the opposite. In the Odyssey, hospitality is something people had to do or face the wrath of Zeus. But, most people follow the rules of hospitality, but there are others who do not. Men are measured by the extent they give back to the society and the way they play host or guest. The book reveals those that antagonize the hero act since they fail their part of the vital contract. Guests are expected to bring presents to their host, respect the servants, house and show appreciation. The guest is often a source of …show more content…

Circe offered great support after Odysseus conquers her and Lotus-eaters also showed some help. The Sirens are the sweet-sounding host of death and Cyclops showed how strong he supported hospitality and religion. This is seen when Polyphemus scoffs at the generosity and the god's support. Zeus, king of the gods, is known to advocate hospitality and the suppliants who requested. "I was once a man of means my house as rich and often gave to vagabonds. However, they might be, who came in need" (Homer 351). This quote meant that Zeus the god who demanded hospitality upholds all morals. By welcoming every guest like a god, there is no mistake of treating a god differently. Odysseus is requested to pray for happiness to the gods in return for their generosity. This act proves that the only way to get a blessing from the gods is by feeding Odysseus since that what the gods wanted. This kind of hospitality is so unique that it seemed unbelievable to other …show more content…

But the Odyssey also shows us many examples of bad hospitality. Later people could sit and share information while discussing. Both good and bad hosting of the guest is portrayed in Homer's book. The Phaeacians portray how to respect the custom of hospitality. The Zeus god of hospitality describes how the Ithaca people believed in religion. The suitors abuse Penelope's reception, and Calypso also shows an example of non-generosity. Therefore, Homer teaches both wrong and good kindness through The Odyssey. Finally, Homer is not shown lots of good examples of good hospitality and bad hospitality but shows as well good hospitality is rewarded in the Odyssey and bad hospitality is

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