Horse Digestive System

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Horses have many specific needs but they also have very important needs for health checks that would need to be checked up on a regular basis. For one horse's feed, horses have a specific diet because they are herbivores and because their digestive system is different from ours. Horse's digestive systems take a long time to process their food in there stomachs that’s why they have to eat a high-fiber diet but consume small amounts for a certain amount of time. Now for turnout, there are many possible reasons why your horse should be turned out daily, if you kept your own horse in the stall and never put them outside in a pasture this could lead to change of behavior, leg health, and hoof health. If you just have your horse standing in the stall where there constantly moving around in manure,this could cause thrush and white lined disease. So you want to make sure you turn your horses out two or three times a day in different pastures. …show more content…

So if you are planning to go to a show with your horse you have to get a vet check for coggins and other diseases that your horse may have that you never knew about. “For example, the risk of respiratory diseases that spread horse-to-horse, such as strangles, may jump when a horse moves from a private barn to a boarding stable with an indoor arena.” Your horse should have a yearly check up, but if your horse also events in shows you should at least have 3-4 vet check ups a year. The vaccines that your horse should receive if they are usually just a pasture horse they should get a tetanus, Eastern/Western equine encephalomyelitis, West Nile virus, and rabies as there vaccines. For horses that are unshod should get their hooves trimmed on a regular basis usually 4-6 weeks

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