Horace Mann's Influence On Education

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1Kara DallyMrs. HesterAmerican History Honors16 November 2017Horace MannDuring the 1830s, Horace Mann changed the way America looked at public education. He used his own personal experiences in the public education system, and his main principles regarding public education and its troubles to create a change for the better in school systems. In the late 1820s and early 1830s, public education was a small factor in society. School years were short and it was not required for any child. Schools only attempt was to simply enroll as many students as possible, even though schools were on a small budget. The view on education during this era, was that kids only needed to know how to read and write and nothing more. Mann was determined to change this …show more content…

A vigorous reform movement occurred, committed to stop the decline of the school system by acknowledging the state’s influence. In 1837 this resulted in a state board of education,one of the first in the country assigned with collecting and publicizing school information throughout the state. Mann assumed stewardship as its secretary. Funds for the board’s activities were at a minimum, and his position required more moral leadership than anything else, and Mann proved himself up to the roll. He started a biweekly journal, Common School Journal,in 1838 for teachers and lectured on education to all who would listen. He also visited Europe to learn more about established educational principles, he came away particularly impressed with the Prussian school system. Mann had a list of main principles regarding public education and its troubles:(1)That a republic cannot long remain ignorant and free, hence the necessity of a universal popular education.(2)That such education must be paid for, controlled, and sustained by an interest public.(3)That such education is best provided in schools embracing children of all religions, social, and ethnic backgrounds.(4)That such education while profoundly moral in character, must be free of sectarian religious

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