Hookah Smoking Case Study

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Tobacco smoking is the primary cause of preventable illness and premature death globally. Hookah smoking is one type of tobacco use, which gains popularity in recent years. Hookah smoking is a general term given to an apparatus where tobacco is inhaled after passing through water. Hookah was invented in India in the 15th century as a safe alternative cigarette smoking because they believed that smoke gets filtered by the water. Nowadays hookah spreads globally and a with wide variety of names such as waterpipe, shisha, (n)arghile, goza, and hubble-bubble to mention but a few. Researches evidence suggests that hookah smoking growing rapidly among British young adults. A recent report by the Freedom of Information (FOI) identified a 210% rise …show more content…

Due to current rapid increase in hookah use in college and university students of UK, more data are needed about the perception of the people. In this survey, voluntary participants from Waltham Forest College invited to assess characteristics and perceptions of participants’ hookah harm risk compaire to cigaretts. Knowing the characteristics of the hookah users according to their belief about harmfulness of smoke from hookah tobacco would help develop health promotion initiatives and interventions that specifically address the sub-population of users who need it …show more content…

To assess clarity and appropriateness of the survey the questionnaire prior to the launch, the survey was piloted to nursing group 2 students and core teacher (See appendix1). After the feedback the survey was improved and finalised for launch in early May 2016. Prior to the survey the full consent was given to the participants and then obtained full consent from the participant based on their knowledge and understanding. The total of 32 students of Waltham Forest College students participated in the survey. All data p<0.01 were significant in both Regression and Anova

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