Hook-Up Culture

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The expansion of the “hooking-up” era on college campuses has been drastically increased in recent years. In the book, Hooking Up – Sex, Dating, and Relationships on Campus, Kathleen A. Bogle explores the new sexual culture though real life stories and interviews of college aged students. Once centered on the initial concept of the “calling” script, many young people have chosen to adopt this script of “hooking-up”. In this paper, I will define the concept of “hooking-up”, explore the social forces of its emergence, and introduce the several connections between gender and social behavior expectations in today’s day and age.
In recent years, the exact definition of the term “hooking-up” has been one that has puzzled many individuals. According to Bogle, the reason for this is that the definition of the term can be different for each person. Based upon an interview with Tony, a senior at a state university, the term “hooking-up” can be defined by many as “having sex”. Others, such as her interview with Trent, can reveal this term as also referring to something less than sexual intercourse, such as “kissing” or “making out”. After Boyle’s research, she can conclude, “you cannot be sure precisely what someone means when he or she reports having “hooked-up” unless you ask a follow-up question to see how much sexual activity took place.” As a senior at a public state university, I would I would define the term of “hooking-up” as referring to a committing any sexual act with another individual based upon my experiences in college. This would include any form of sexual intercourse, but exclude acts such as kissing. The fluidity of this term allows the defining properties of “hooking-up” to cover a large spectrum of sexual and non-sexual...

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...e country. As seen throughout the reading, defining the concept of “hooking-up” has proven to be a difficult task that can be done only on an individual basis. Exploring the social forces of its emergence and the several connections between gender and social behavior expectations in today’s day and age has allowed me to become well informed on the subject of hook-up culture. From the information provided in her interviews college students, Bogle allows the reader to glean a clear perspective from those within the hook-up culture. I feel that her interpretation and method of introducing the hook-up culture and the many factors surrounding this new sexual era is not only very relevant in today’s society, but also for future generations to come.

Works Cited

Bogle, Kathleen A. Hooking Up: Sex, Dating, and Relationships on Campus. New York: New York UP, 2008. Print.

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