Homoeroticism In Shakespeare Literature Review

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According to Smith, “ In the Early Modern period, there was no such thing as homosexual identity, at the least not in the way we perceive it today, so those experiencing homoerotic desires in the play seeks representations in identities that already exist” (Smith,B.R.1994:12). With regards to my literature review, I will divide it into two sections; history & customs and academic writing of Shakespeare’s As you like it. As stated my research question wants to explore the use of Homoeroticism in Shakespeare’s As you like it, by doing so did it influence the Elizabethan society to greater or lesser degree?
Firstly I will look at Shakespeare’s As you like it and focus on the utterances of the characters, especially the scenes which transpires …show more content…

Homoeroticism focuses on the proceeding of the prohibitions of women on the English stage, as young pubescent boys played female characters. (Bullion, L. 2010:7) According to Smith (1994:48); “Historical records, however, the laws were hardly rigorously enforced and cases in which a man was executed for violating the law.” Orgel states; “That Early Modern England exhibited a much greater unease towards female sexuality than towards male sexuality” (Orgel.1996:35-6). He continues by saying; “Theatre therefore, was not especially concerned by the underlying male to male homoeroticism in heterosexual relations between characters on stage (Bullion, L. 2010:7). Thus, English stages only passed a measure of homoerotic charged exchange. (Bullion, L.2010:8-9). Agreeing with these statements, for this proposal I want to understand why it was so acceptable to “act” out these homoerotic desires, but was not acceptable outside the theatres of the Elizabethan society. Can one argue that Shakespeare blatantly used homoeroticism to mock societal standards, by using gender bending as comedic device? But the question remains, did Shakespeare challenge the Elizabethan’s status quo, strictly attacking the patriarchy or was it seen as a palatable association to Elizabethan audiences – the fantasy of men playing …show more content…

„Twas just the difference
Betwixt the constant red and mingled damask” (3.5.121-24).
As Billion stated it focuses on identity and how it drives desire. Now with this statement I will delve into Shakespeare’s As you like it and draw a comparison between heterosexual desire and homosocial desire which are strongly displayed in As you like it.
After critiquing the work of other scholars and stating my point of departure with regards to my paper several things are evident; there’s not enough academic research on how audiences perceived homoeroticism during the Elizabethan period. Only after collecting the data needed to support this paper, one will have a clear understanding of the audience perception as well as their visceral experience and interaction towards homoeroticism projected on stage. Regarding history and customs and the statements made by the scholar it is pivotal for this paper to delve deeper into the history and customs of the Elizabethan period. The use of homoeroticism according to my research wasn’t see as intentional or accidentally or coinedence, but was use as a theatre convention, the question remains what was the purpose of this device and that’s my point of departure for my literature

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