Homeroom Identification Report

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Hey can either of you reach out to this student?

Today during homeroom Yann and another student got into an altercation, which resulted in the other student hitting and kicking him. The other student involved has both physical and intellectual disabilities and Yann has bullied her throughout the school year. Yann has been warned to stop by every single teacher and paraprofessional in the classroom. Yann's bullying in my first block class has extended beyond this one single student to include other students with and without disabilities. In an effort to remedy the bullying situation in my classroom, I asked Counseling to come to our room and provide students with training on how to avoid bullying and to highlight some of the learning differences that some of the students and even teachers in our school …show more content…

(I would be happy to share the other student's name with you since it is extremely relevant to the situation.) I have never seen this student hit him or any other student. I told Yann that he needs to stop asking that student for stuff, because it has become a common thing where they're asking this student for gum, paper, and pencils. This student does not speak and is not able to verbalize her consent. I have told the students in my class that this needs to stop. I also told him to just avoid her, don't talk to her, don't ask for her stuff, and to just stay away from her. Near the end of first block, as Ms. G and I were helping individual students with their projects, the female student stood up and began hitting and kicking Yann. Ms. G and I quickly reacted and the female student returned to her desk and put her head down and began to loudly cry. Yann then began to continue yelling about the situation, and say that we were not handling the situation. At this point the female student got up and ran out of the classroom. Ms. G left with the female

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