Homeless Veterans Literature Review

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Abstract The purpose of this review is to explore factors associated with military veterans and homelessness. This review will associate homeless veterans with the obstacles they face when they return to American soil, seeking to answer the question, why is our military veteran’s homeless population increasing. The goal is to identify the factors and understand the risk behaviors associated with this growing population. What is the Association between Military Veterans and Homelessness? Many Americans are disheartened by the growing number of homeless veterans living on the streets of the United States. According to the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans (2016), on any given night in the United States, there are more than 40,056 military veterans sleeping in shelters, government parks, in cars, and campsites. How does a country with the most powerful military force allow this to happen? …show more content…

There are thousands of people without adequate medical service, homes, and jobs. A huge percentage of those people are military veterans who fought for this country. The United States Veterans Affairs Department has done countless studies to try to figure out why veterans are falling victim to homelessness. This review will seek to give a detailed look at the causes, treatment, and after care of homeless veterans. To analyze war history seeking the compatible link between combat service and homelessness status. Focusing on the factors that contribute to this growing population.
Risk Factors Associated with Military Veterans and Homelessness The study of why military veterans end up in homeless situations have been an ongoing study for years. There are many risk factors associated with veterans returning from military combat. In a study conducted, by New England researchers Tsai and Rosenheck (2013) , they found the strongest and most consistent risk factors linked to homeless veterans were substance abuse use disorders and mental illness,

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