Homecoming Creative Writing

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An almost deafeningly obnoxious sound errupts from my alarm clock. Startled, I attempt to launch myself out of bed, hit my forehead on my headboard, and almost instantly create a rebarbative lump. Reluctantly, I check the time. Repulsive, red numbers tell me it is time to wake up. Usually, I am quite happy in the morning, and I like to sing and curl my hair and drink a glass of water. However, my throat is burning, my head is throbbing, my back is aching, and my fever is rising. I am most certainly sick. After peeling myself out of bed, attempting to prepare for the day, and choking down some medication, I leave for school. English seems to last an eternity, and then I’m on to math. Equations and symbols of all kinds fly before me …show more content…

Coach Becky hurries over to see what the fuss is all about, and when I open my mouth to tell her, her face pales and her eyes widen. I have laryngitis the week of my senior …show more content…

In response, I scratch my arm, and it feels like hot lava is being poured down my shoulder, dripping down my arm, and taking every bit of skin and muscle with it. I screamed out loud in front of my tumbling coaches. When I looked down at my arm it was tomato-red, swollen beyond belief, and there was a black dot on the center of my bicep. Terrified, my mom rushed me to the doctor, where we found out I had been bitten by a brown recluse. So there I sit, in urgent care for the second time that week, sick as a dog, spider bitten, behind in homework, unable to sing in choir, stressed out about my pep rally the next day, and completely unprepared for my homecoming game in two days where I was supposed to sing the national anthem. Doctor Khan completed yet another prescription for me, and I took a pill the size of precisely half my pinky finger. All this to say, I did make it through the week. I took my medication on time every day and my spider bite had calmed down a bit before the game. My co-captain, Lanae, was able to call cheers for me since I was not able to. Senior homecoming was still a blast, and I danced until I could barely

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