Holodomor: The Mass Starvation Of The Ukrainian Country

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Holodomor: The Mass Starvation of the Ukrainian Country
Totalitarianism is absolute control by the state or a governing branch of a highly centralized institution, according to dictionary.com. In 1942 the war of World War 2 broke out into the entire world. Countries were fighting countries, people were fighting people, and families were fighting families all because of one person told them to do so. Countries were being bombed, people, and specifically Jews were being put into concentration camps, and mass murders happened everywhere. Adolph Hitler is a prime example of what totalitarianism is he controlled the Nazi combat and World War 2. In 1984 Big Brother wanted everyone to follow his way and wanted no one to question him or the way life was. An even recent example of what totalitarianism is Kim Jong- Un. He runs North …show more content…

He wants his country to be uniformed and his. In 1932 through 1933 Holodomor was known as the Terror-Famine and Famine Genocide in Ukraine. There was an extreme amount of evidence that supports the fact that it was a genocide. During this time people were starved and deprived of food and water. In a result 7 to 10 million people lost their lives by this national tragedy. Joseph Stalin was a dictator of the Union who gained control of Ukraine and blocked the country so no one could get in or out. He deprived the country of food and collected all grains that were farmed. When he thought someone was a potential enemy he had them executed or sent to labor camps with just enough food to survive if that. He wanted to teach his followers, Ukraine’s framers, “A lesson they would not forget” for resisting collectivization. Stalin would command that farmers give up their land and food so that he could sell

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