Compare And Contrast Matalo And Stalin

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This essay will concentrate on the comparison and analysis of two communist figures: Mao Zedong, leader of the Communist Party in China, and Joseph Stalin, leader of the Soviet Union. The main focus of this paper will be to explore each figure’s world view in depth and then compare and contrast by showing their differences and similarities. Joseph Stalin was a realist dictator of the early 20th century in Russia. Before he rose to power and became the leader of Soviet Union, he joined the Bolsheviks and was part of many illegal activities that got him convicted and he was sent to Siberia (Wood, 5, 10). In the late 1920s, Stalin was determined to take over the Soviet Union (Wiener & Arnold 199). The main aspects of his worldview was “socialism They had similarities and differences as to how they were to proceed with their ideas for their country. Their worldviews were not so different than it would seem because they both had some similar plans in order to get to the same desired outcome, which was an industrialized country. Their idea of communism was different in terms of how their plans would go down. Both their view consisted of five year plans, a series of revolutions, anti-imperialism, and socialism to then become communist and eventually spread to other This meant that even though Mao and Stalin did not agree on some ideas which were part of their worldview, they would still protect each other’s country. The difference between Mao and Stalin is that Mao’s view and ideas stayed long after he died, while Stalin’s view and ideas did stick for so long. Even though there were millions of deaths, Mao was able to put an end to some of the awful things they did, such as foot binding (Wood, 8, 30). World revolution did not work out in the end, and Mao’s worldview was not complete Stalinization. He launched the Hundred flowers campaign to ensure that complete Stalinization would not

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