Hole in my life

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Hole In My Life is a two-hundred page autobiography by Jack Gantos published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Hole In My Life is a story about a time when some of Jack's choices changed his life and life got him sent to prison. Jack was born in Pennsylvania and went to Sunrise High School in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Jack was in his junior year in high school when his parents decided to move to San Juan Puerto Rico. Being that Jack's family did not have enough money to send Jack to a private school because he could not speak Spanish for public school, they decided to send him to work. Jack worked with his dad as a contractor for a hotel. Jack was getting paid well and had an overall good lifestyle but decided that being a contractor wasn't what he wanted to do with his life. Jack had dreams of becoming a writer, and he was determined to fulfill them. Jack told his parents that he was moving back to the States to finish high school and his father found him a family to live with. For Jack’s senior year in high school, he lived with the Bacons, old acquaintances of Jack's father. Jack...

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