Holden Caulfield's Childhood

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The Catcher in the Rye, written by J. D. Salinger is a story about 16 years old boy, Holden, who doesn’t want to grow up and be a big man and instead he wants to be a child because he is obsessed with his childhood. He believes childhood is the only time that you are innocent. Somehow he stuck between these two worlds, childhood and adulthood, he don’t know choose the innocent world of childhood or the complex world of adulthood. For example he introduced his two siblings, Allie and Phoebe, that how he love them and idolize them. Through the story, Holden is in trouble because he can’t accept the responsibilities and consequences of adulthood. Holden Caulfield who refuse to grow up and take responsibilities in his life and act like adolescent …show more content…

For example, when he was in elevator and elevator man offer him a girl and he says yes and act like someone who slept with another girls. However he is still virgin even after that night. “If you want to know the truth, I’m a virgin” (Holden, 92). When he comes close to doing “it” with a girl and suddenly she says “stop” he stops. “She keeps telling you to stop, the problem with me is, I stop” (Holden, 92). This is show how he struggle with his sexual desire and how he wants to dealing with it. Another example Of holden which stuck between the childhood and adulthood world when he is in the lavender room. When he sit in his table and saw three girls in another table he gives them an “old eye a little bit” (Holden, 69). And when finally he meet them he explain how he “just saw Gary Cooper, the movie star, on the other side of the floor” (Holden, 74). His action show how he wants to impress girl with giving them “old eye” looking and telling lie to them. At the end of the chapter, after hanging out with the girls and dancing with them the leave him with unpaid bill. “I think they should’ve at least offered to pay for the drinks they had before I joined …show more content…

He wants to help and rescue the children who are playing in the field of rye, from falling off the cliff. The field of rye is a symbol of childhood world while the cliff is a symbol of the complex world of adulthood. He doesn’t want children taste the adulthood and dealing with it like he deals with it. He doesn’t want them to fall in the complex and complicated world of adulthood. In the chapter 25, he tries to erase the word “Fuck you” written in the wall of elementary school and when he was in museums, “but i rubbed it out anyway, though” (Holden, 201). He wants to protect children like an adult to perevation the swear words that can affect and oisen their mind. Another example, the red hunting hat is a symbol of innocence in the novel. He always wear the hat to protect himself from “hunters [the society]”. He gave the hat to his sister to protect her from the society as well, “Then I took my hunting hat out of my coat pocket and gave it to her” (Holden, 198). Erating the sears from the wall and give the hunting hat to to Phoebe, he want to protect children and have their innocent as long as they could. He want to stop and protect children from “jumping off the cliff”. However at the end he get he must let his obsession go because he can do nothing. In chapter 25 when they went to the zoo, they see a carrousel which holden always ride when he was child but this time

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