Holden Caulfield Red Hunting Hat Analysis

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The Catcher in the Rye Holden Caulfield is a very unique person who many people can relate to. He is a 17 year old boy who hates school. Not only does he hate school, he has gotten kicked out of many schools in the past and the book starts off revealing how he was getting kicked out of his current school, Pencey. Although Holden is easily related to, he also has many aspects that distinguish him from the rest of the people. Holden has went through multiple tragedies that have affected him greatly including the death of his brother Allie and the suicide of a former classmate. Holden likes to separate himself from people in many ways. Holden wears a red hunting hat that is a major symbol of Holden and his life. The red hunting hat symbolizes Holden’s desire for individuality, his embarrassment, and his love for his siblings. …show more content…

He sees people in many different ways. The people that the average people would see as cool, he calls phonies but the people who one would normally ignore, he relates to. Holden cannot stand most people and sees the fakeness in people. This is one of the reasons he wants to be different. He uses the hat as a way as sticking out from the phonies and the average person. He has a need to be different. He points out his hunting hat to many different people, one of them being his roommate, Stradlater. He tells the audience, “I put on this hat that I’d bought in New York that morning. It was this red hunting hat, with one of those very, very long peaks” and “The way I wore it, I swung the old peak way around to the back—very corny, I'll admit, but I liked it that way. I looked good in it that way”(Salinger 17). He knows that the hat was weird but he still wanted to wear

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