Holden Caulfield Identity

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A student from Carnegie Mellon University once said, “Life is all about finding our identity.” In the novel The Catcher In The Rye, by Jerome David Salinger, the protagonist, sixteen-year-old Holden Caulfield undertakes the search for identity throughout the novel. To analyze Holden’s journey in search of identity, one must first define the term. A former tutor of mine suggested the idea that an identity is made up of a series of competing discourses acting against each other. A discourse, in the simplest of definitions is a written or spoken thought exchanged in the community. Over the history of sociology and philosophy, the term ‘discourse’ has come to describe the conversations of a group of people who have certain ideals in common. In …show more content…

Holden continuously makes explicit remarks regarding the phony actions adults commit. For instance, in the beginning of the story, he talks about parent visiting days in his former school and the way his principal would always charm the richer parents and disregard the poorer parents. (Salinger 14) In addition, Holden makes many remarks regarding the phony characteristics of adults throughout the book. Ironically, while Holden looks down upon being superficial and “phony”, he subconsciously hosts this trait himself. This is shown many times throughout the story, but most particularly when he speaks of his former roommate’s cheap suitcases. The difference in wealth between him and his roommate were highlighted through the quality of their suitcases, and Holden felt uncomfortable while rooming with him because after a while, the apparent difference in class drove a large rift between them. Holden states, “…I hate it when somebody has cheap suitcases.” (108) This is incredibly ironic, because it shows that despite Holden’s catty remarks about the phoniness hosted by many adults, he is subconsciously growing to become like them, despite fervently not wanting to grow up. At the same time, the contradictory discourse of Holden’s idealistic world comes out into play as he conceives scenarios where he runs away to live away from the prying eyes of society. He attempts to convince Sally to run away with him while on their date, however when she is not on board with his idea, he attempts to realize his mission by himself later on, although he does not end up going through with it. Holden also formulates the idea of wanting to become the catcher in the rye after witnessing a boy singing “if a body catch a body in the rye” and having a vision of him catching playing children in a rye field from falling off of a cliff. This

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