Holden Caulfield Honesty

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Plastic Smile
Holden Caulfield doesn't often show respect for other people and is shown to be a compulsive liar to keep his true self hidden from the world. The only real people he ever talks about in high regards are his siblings Phoebe and Allie, as well as his childhood friend, Jane. He keeps himself distanced because of his constant fear of being rejected by society. After being continously let down, Holden begins to develop a mentality of isolating himself from everyone else because he believes there are only two types of people in this world, and that someone is either a good person or they’re fake. Holden Caulfield is shown to have lingering regrets about his brother Allie’s death. He shows the reader how much he misses Allie and wishes to have him back in his life. He even says repeatedly in the book The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger that Allie was a really great guy and that the reader “...would have liked him” (49). Holden also said that Allie was “...the nicest, in a lot of ways.” (Salinger 50). Holden shows to have a deep love for his brother and respect for how …show more content…

Holden informs the reader several times that Phoebe is intelligent and she is someone “...with sense and all.” when he states his reason for wanting to call her (Salinger 87). Holden buys his sister a record because he believes it's something that she would like, but then later ends up dropping it and the record shatters. Even later still, he returns home by sneaking in and talks to Phoebe about what he's been doing and what he wants to do next. Phoebe becomes upset when he tells her he wants to leave again and he backpedal slightly by telling her he will stay. He wants Phoebe to be happy above all else and will do anything to make sure she is. He even gives up his red hunting cap, a recurring symbol of his desire to be noticed and

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