Hofstede Cultural Framework Case Study

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“Using Hofstede’s Cultural Framework to Reveal Different Management and Business Practices between Countries”
Differences in management and business practices become more obvious as globalization increases (Carpenter, Taylor, & Erdogan, 2009). These differences can be revealed by using Geert Hoftstede’s six cultural dimensions. This essay will explain Hofstede’s cultural framework and how it reveals some differences in managerial styles and business practices between South Korea and the United Kingdom.
As globalization increases, an awareness of the differences in managerial styles between countries also increases (Carpenter, Taylor, & Erdogan, 2009). Melony Gallant (2013) wrote that “it’s always interesting to see how cultures compare and …show more content…

Carpenter, M., Taylor, B., Erdogan, B. (2009). Principles of Management. Nyack, NY: Flat World Knowledge
Gallant, M. (2013, September 6). The Business of Culture: How Culture Affects Management Around the World. [Web log]. Retrieved from http://www.halogensoftware.com/blog/the-business-of-culture-how-culture-affects-management-around-the-world
Gorodnichenko, Y. and Roland, G. (2011, December 27). Individualism, innovation, and long-run growth. PNAS, (Vol): 104, suppl. 4. Retrieved from http://www.pnas.org/content/108/Supplement_4/21316.full.pdf
Hofstede, G. (n. d.). Culture. Retrieved from http://geerthofstede.nl/culture
Kristof, N. D. (1985, April 11). Management, Korean Style. The New York Times. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com/1985/04/11/business/management-korean-style.html
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