Hockey: Similarities Between Football And Hockey

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While football and hockey seem like two completely different sports with very little to no similarities when you look at the two sports side by side for example hockey is played with a circular black piece of rubber and football is played with an egg shaped leather ball but if a person was to actually take the time to look at these two sports they would be able to find that hockey and football are not all that different if anything they have just as many similarities as they do differences both hockey and football have pads and other safety equipment, they are both popular on both sides of the us and canadian border, and both sports are very bone jarring violent contact sports, both are played in stadiums. Hockey is a sport that the players well have certain equipment they have to wear to play such as wearing a helmet to protect from hits and shoulder pads to keep their shoulders and chest and ribs protected them and also hockey players wear elbow and knee pads also to keep them protected from the the brutal hits …show more content…

Players chase around a rubber puck and the objective is to get possession of the puck with any means necessary and that means throwing your bodying at someone knocking them of their feet or brutally slamming them up against the wall to cause them to lose momentum and the puck. While as fighting is banned in the rule books and results in penalty it’s still part of the game and the ways it's played to have a few fight here and there. Football is also a contact sport in the way that the rule of football is that you make sure that you can recover the ball of force the a 4th down turnover by using brute force and strength to tackle the ball carrier. The game of football is filled with all kind of positions that need you to block and tackle and especially to be the one that are receiving the hard

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