History Of The Amber Room

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Vinci’s Mona Lisa painting which was stolen from the Louvre museum by Vincenzo Perrugia in 1911. The highly publicized theft and consequent return of the artwork catapulted it world fame and wide recognition. Therefore, the mystery sustains ongoing search and fame of the Amber Room. The ongoing search benefits Russians as it keeps the mystery alive and still points to the unfair looting and numerous losses inflicted by the Germans to the Russian cultural heritage.
Many have claimed to have found the treasure over the past 50 years and all have proved to be false alarms. However, during the continuous searches and investigations, some fragments of the Amber Room were found. One of the clues came in 1997 when German Police caught the son of …show more content…

The reconstruction began in 1982 after various obstacles were overcome, the most important of which was the rediscovery of forgotten secrets of ancient amber guilds. Old methods of cutting and carving had to be relearned, but most challenging was unlocking the 18th-century mystery of dyeing amber, a process essential to enhancing the Amber Room's beauty. The reconstruction began in 1979 at Tsarskoye Selo and was completed 25 years later. The replica of the Amber Room (Figure 2) was painstakingly recreated with six tonnes of amber to coincide with the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg in 2003. The amber artists could only use old photographs and museum staff memories as main source materials for the reconstruction. It is important to note that once gain Germany played a key role in the Amber Room history. Germany's largest natural gas company Ruhrgas donated the needed $3.5 million in 1999 to finish the $11 million project. Ruhrgas had learned about the project through the newspapers and approached the museum offering help. It is also interesting to note the role of economics in the history of the Amber Room. Just like the room was initially undertaken as a testament to the wealth of the Prussian kingdom, its reconstruction almost came to a halt because of the lack of funds needed to complete the project. As a result, the whole story came a full circle with Russians and Germans working together to complete the reconstruction project. It was a very special occasion when Vladimir Putin and German chancellor Gerhard Schröder attended its unveiling; many other important dignitaries were present at the

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