Historical Narrative: The Johnsonville High School

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The Johnsonville High School was built in 1933 to serve as a high school only. Mrs. Laurene McLean, a teacher educated at Fayetteville State University (formerly known as the State Teachers College), had long dreamed of such a school being built in the Pineview and surrounding areas for young people to continue their education after the elementary years. She put forth the initial efforts for erection of the school and traveled to Raleigh, NC to make preparation and put into motion plans for the high school.

The name, Johnsonville High School, came from the name of the community and church. Before erection of the school building, classes were held in the Johnsonville Church and Mr. J.G. Smith was the …show more content…

The students, as well as the teachers, had to depend on a coal or wood burning stove for warmth during the winter months. The only source of water was from a well dug by Mr. D.J. Mallette on the property of the Johnsonville church. The county later accepting and realizing the need for a well on the school site, dug a well and installed an electrical pump. The pump became a part of the facilities after the wiring of the school for electricity in 1947. Prior to this time, lighting was by natural sources or artificially provided by kerosene …show more content…

L.H. Ledbetter, followed by Mr. L.E. Cottingham served as principals during the start of the formal lunch program and under the leadership of Mr. C.L. Powell as principal, the growth and improvement of the lunchroom program continued. By the end of 1955, for the first almost twenty-two years of the school’s operation, three individuals served as principal. In 1969 because of school integration, the school became an elementary school serving students through the eighth grade. For high school, the students attended Benhaven School. Other school configurations later followed and the school currently serves students in grades K-5. Several principals and teachers have and continue to impact the history of Johnsonville High School. Other principals who have made a mark in the history of Johnsonville School include Mr. Marsh, Mr. Evans, Mr. W.C. Brinkley, Mrs. Elliott, Mrs. Thompson, and the current principal, Mrs. J.

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