Histamine Intolerance Research Paper

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Knowing what foods are best to be avoided is a must so that you will not accidentally consume any of it. Always remember that even eating the smallest part of a histamine-rich food can already give your body a full blown attack of symptoms. Thus, it is and will always be a general rule for anyone with this condition to avoid high histamine foods.
High histamine levels are brought about by a lot of factors from our personal body as well as the food that we take into. We will try to understand everything about histamine intolerance and which foods should be avoided as we go along in this article.
What is histamine intolerance (HIT)?
Histamine intolerance refers to a condition where a person could not tolerate normal levels of histamine present in several food choices due to a decreased in the activity of diamine oxidase (DAO) or histamine N-methyltransferase (HNMT), enzymes that help degrade and break down histamines. DAO is …show more content…

Individuals who may be diagnosed with this condition can be relieved when they do not take foods that are high in histamine content.
High histamine level food list
So what are the high histamine foods? Foods that are considered high in histamine are those that undergo the process of microbial fermentation such as wine or cheese. Those foods that were spoiled by microbial contamination are also high histamine foods.
• Alcohol and Vinegar. If you drink a glass or even sipped red wine and you experience a headache attack, it is already a classic indicator that you have food-induced histamine intolerance. Other alcoholic beverages that are high in histamine content are white wine, champagne, and beer. There are also alcohols whose histamine contents are not as high as the ones previously stated. These alcoholic beverages include vodka, rum and gin. Meanwhile, vinegar and cider are also culprits for high-histamine

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