Essay On Allergen

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Allergies is the sensitivity and response to allergens. An allergen is a substance that can cause sensitivity in the body. Some allergens are pollen, dust, pet dander or hair, some food, and even soaps or medications. An allergen can be, ingested, breathing it in, or touching the skin. Once an allergen is in the body, the body then releases histamines. Histamine allows white blood cells and plasma to enter the tissue by moving through the walls of the capillary. This movement of cells into the tissue causes swelling and inflammation. This inflammation in turn causes pain by putting pressure on nerve endings. Some other reactions to allergens are increased mucus production in the nose and respiratory system. This increased mucus causes …show more content…

Allergens can also cause itchy, watery, irritated eyes. The irritation can cause the eyes to become red. Allergies can be extremely irritating and annoying, but there is treatment that is available and you can get it over the counter. These medications are called antihistamines, which can help to alleviate many of the symptoms caused by allergens. Keep in mind that there are some side effects when taking antihistamines. Antihistamines can you to feel tired and weak. If you are extremely sensitive to allergens, in particular, hay fever then you can receive allergy injections to help your body produce antibodies against pollen before your body has a chance to react to it. Allergies typically last about a week, and are more prevalent in the Spring and Summer time. You may experience tiredness or weakness, and maybe some body aches. Headaches, runny and stuffy nose, as well as, sneezing are very common reactions to experience when you are having a reaction to allergens. Again, try an antihistamine to alleviate the symptoms or check with a medical professional to see if you need to receive …show more content…

This obstruction inhibits the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. COPD is not one singular disease, rather it includes all diseases which makes it difficult to breath. These diseases include emphysema, chronic asthma and bronchitis to name a few. Emphysema is a COPD disease in which the lungs lose elasticity, or their ability to stretch and expand. This reduction in elasticity eventually caused the break-down of lung tissue. Without the lungs ability to expand the air breathed in cannot be fully expelled, which causes less oxygen to be able to enter. Eventually carbon dioxide fills the lungs, and causes the patient to feel stressed and like they are suffocating. The alveoli of the lungs begin to fuse together and form large air sacs. These sacs eventually rupture allowing air to fill the spaces between the lungs and the chest. This is called pneumothorax, and this condition will cause the lungs to collapse due to the increased pressure. Emphysema can be inherited, or caused by smoking. No other cause is known for this disease. Bronchitis is another COPD disease which is the swelling of the bronchi. The mucous glands produce a large amount of mucus. This mucus and inflammation of the mucosa causes blockage in the airway, and inhibits the body from receiving enough oxygen. The low amount of oxygen in the body is called

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