Hillary Clinton Leftism Analysis

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The countless self-styled “Leftists” who turned up their noses at even the mention of voting for Hillary Clinton in the general election was one of the ways American Leftists failed to realize, fully, how much of America’s safety and reputation, as well as the world’s stability, was at stake in 2016. They failed to see anticipate how terrible the effects a Donald Trump Presidency would be on the lives of so many people across the world – not only Americans. Even more, Leftists failed to see Clinton’s presidential bid as one that stood to advance Leftist politics and mainstream some of the leftmost policy positions ever held by a candidate of a major American political party. These hypercriticisms by Leftists bore the notion that Hillary Clinton was somehow a moral or political equivalent to Donald Trump – that they were but two sides of the same coin. Much of this idea that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are the same lies in the …show more content…

However, in asserting that Clinton’s experience in governance made her an “elite,” and with the connotations of “elite” being derogatory, she was painted as “out-of-touch” with the disaffected white working-class voters, the self-styled anti-elites. Meanwhile, Trump was able to avoid any charges of elitism, and rather he himself – a literal billionaire – waged that Hillary Clinton was part of this fantastical and conniving “elite” that sought to undermine completely these disaffected voters. Clinton’s failed presidential bid, then, only reinforced to these people – both rightists and leftists – that “elites” are out of touch with regular joes, the proverbial “silent majority,” and must be replaced by populist politicians regardless of their ability to actually govern an entire

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