High School Volleyball

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A New Level

High school volleyball definitely has its perks, but nothing beats club ball. Club volleyball is more thrilling and brings out a higher level of intensity. It is an all around better experience, even if it means you have to put in more time and effort. Volleyball is fun no matter what, but if you want more than just a fun sport to play, club volleyball is what you are looking for. One key point in support of club volleyball is the all-around better coaching. Club coaches are highly trained and are more experienced than high school coaches. An average club coach has already coached high school for many years and most have participated in some type of college coaching. This being said, they are very likely to know how to coach each individual skill and which one best suits each individual player. They are also likely to make decisions to make the team play at their optimum level all the time. An example to support this is the amount of pay a club coach makes compared to an average high school coach. There is a substantial between the two; club coach gets paid up to $700-$1000 per month as to a high school coach only gets paid $300-$500 per month (JobMonkey). My point being, club coaches are taken more seriously and are more deserving of a higher pay. Although some high school coaches can be …show more content…

Most girls in high school ball play for fun, to get in shape, or to get a physical education credit. They are not willing to give their time and dedication to the sport for any longer than a two hour practice. A lot of people often play just to get the full “high school experience” participating in a sport which is stupid and unnecessary. Some high school players have never had any experience playing this sport until high school and have to build their skills from the ground up. High school volleyball has become so coexistent with club that it is starting to fade away (J.

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