High School Sports Influenced My Life

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In the year 2012 I became a freshman at Thomas Stone High School. The year 2012 marked the start of timeline that I knew would be one of the greatest of my life. I started my tenure of high school sports with basketball. When I began to play sports at the high school level, I didn’t realize it would shape me into the person I am today. I didn’t realize that sports would not only evolve me into the captain of a team but, the captain of my future.

My participation in basketball and lacrosse greatly influenced my confidence. Confidence provides me with the aggression and the want to be better than the people around me. The more confidence I had in myself, the better I played. After I suffered a shoulder subluxation three times in a two-year span, I lost confidence in my ability to play. Yet, my coaches reminded me that great work ethic would instill confidence in my shoulder’s stability. They were right. Although there were difficult obstacles, I played my best season …show more content…

I wanted to be a WNBA player. As I became older I realized that my dream wasn’t as realistic as I wanted it to be and that wasn’t necessarily what I wanted to do with my life. High school sports made me realize I didn’t want to be involved in just the WNBA yet, I wanted to be involved in sports overall. I was in awe of the analytics of statistics and how they were applied to the advancement of athletes’ skills. Playing sports showed me I didn’t want a job in sports, I wanted a career in sports. In the beginning of my senior year, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to major in but, after all the commitment and vigor I put into sports I realized that Sports Administration was perfect to set up my future. Now, one of my goals is to earn an internship with one of my college’s division teams to prepare myself for life after college. High school sports have not only helped me discover who I am yet, who and where I want to be in the next ten

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