Hiding from Pirates in Trees

1371 Words3 Pages

My new Elmo shoes sparkled brightly as I stumbled to keep with up with my mother. I never understood how adults could walk so fast, it always felt like I was always racing to try and keep up but for every step I took, they took two. My hand clung around three of my mothers fingers, and to the right of me my brother did the same. Hardly anyone could tell us apart if not for the very small difference of our hair colour; his was what my mother's friends called "dirty blonde" and mine was referred to as "sunshine blonde". I knew this was grown-up talk for his hair was darker than mine, but the way they talked about it, it's seemed forbidden to phrase it any other way. It had to be "dirty blonde" or "sunshine blonde". As we reached the school gates both my brothers hand and mine slipped from our mothers hand, to our sides. We each got a kiss on both cheeks before our mother drove away. I quickly ran towards my favourite tree as soon as she appeared out of sight and started grasping for branches until the masses of copper leaves camouflaged me. My brother would usually chase me, and create a race out of who would stagger their way to the top first. Today I saw him huddled in a group of three, swinging his arms as he talked to a few of the classmates I didn't recognise. They laughed and picked up three branches from the ground, each swinging them at each other with no care and breaking one of the frail branches within seconds. The wind swirled around me ferociously and leaves stuck all down my navy blue uniform. My hands quickly went to brush the auburn pads off my shorts and face, as a result I was left vulnerable to a sequalling gust of wind. In a split second I found myself off-balance and falling; flailing limbs around frantically un...

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...st a classroom wall, with the familiar blank stare that brought unwelcome chills up my spine. I didn't ask him what happened to his pirate crew, because I didn't really want to know. I don't think he really wanted to talk about it anyway. He stood up as he saw me, not raising his head, almost embarrassed to be found alone. "Do you wanna play?" I asked quietly, tilting my head to try and see his expression. His face light up and eyes shined with the invitation. I gestured him to follow me, but changed my mind before he even took one step away from the wall. "There is just one thing," I chimed and spun around on my red Elmo heel to face him, and give a cheeky smirk, "I hear lemon's make your hair lighter." As I finished the sentence I splashed the last of my juice box on his dirty blonde hair and ran away chuckling, with my brother chasing me up my new favourite tree.

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