Lawrence Park Creative Writing

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Based on my generation from age eight to ten I loved playing at Lawrence Park in Tucson, AZ. Every time my parents would ask, “where do you want to go” I would literally yell, “the park!” Being bored inside all I wanted to do was play tag, run, and climb the monkey bars all day. Lawrence was the one destination where I could be free: no one telling me to stop running, be quiet, or keep my hands to myself. I can remember having the time of my life as a kid enjoying myself at Lawrence Park. Hopefully I could say the same for an older generation and future generation compared to my experience of play. Arriving in the small parking lot, I instantly hopped off from my mom’s old brown car. Getting hit with a breeze of fresh air outside, smelling the wet grass, hearing the bees buzz near the blue trash cans, causes my heart to start beating fast like popcorn being microwaved. Moving my head as if I was an owl, searching for my mom, “mom can I go play” repeatedly like a broken record, she responds, “yes, go ahead!” Jumping with glee, sprinting like a cheetah on the black pavement leading to my favorite playground I called “The Yellow one.” Then, as I left my head up my eyes began to open wide.
Closer and closer I get to the entrance I could see the red velvet ramp that leads to a small baby slide and a set of blue faded monkey bars on …show more content…

Me and my mother both have had a bad experience when it comes to playing with others. It wasn’t fun anymore “when we couldn’t agree on rules of the game, then parents would get involved.” Same for me, there was this time when little Jenny couldn’t tag anyone, so she would fake cry and as soon as you checked to see if she was okay, Jenny would tag you. Which was unfair, because she did it all the time when she was it, so I said, “no more fake crying.” Others thought it was okay and others disagree, resulting in an argument of who's right and wrong, wasting time that we could be

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