Herpes Virus Essay

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What is HSV?
There are a number of viruses that effect the human population. Herpes is one of these viruses that are quite common throughout the world. Herpes is highly contagious infection cause by two types of viruses. These two types of viruses are known as HSV- type 1 and HSV- type 2.
‘HSV- type 1 which is very common, usually involves a form of ulcers on the skin or mucus membrane, which forms cold sores’ (SA Health, 2014). Where as, HSV- type 2 is known to affect the genital area forming genital herpes. Once an individual has been infected with either HSV-1 or HSV-2, both viruses remain in the body and is a life long infection. ‘Most of these viruses remain undiagnosed, as the symptoms are not recognizable unless the doctor has tested the individual positive with the virus’ (MIT Medical, 2011). When symptoms are visible they appear in an individual or multiple forms of blisters on the infected area.

Mechanism of attack
The HSV moves and passes through body fluids such as saliva, semen and fluid in the genital tract of females or fluid from the herpes sore present. This virus can be transmitted through the skin or mucus membranes of an uninfected individual through the genital area or the mouth. ‘Once the virus has contact with the skin or the membrane mucous, it then replicates transporting itself to the nerve cells’ (Harvey, S, 2014,). The disadvantage of the HSV-2, it has no symptoms, so an individual can be affected without knowing they have the virus.
Although both viruses a highly contagious, ‘HSV- 1 can be easily transmitted by the spread of saliva through kissing or a drop of breath. Where as, genital herpes (HSV-2) is spread through sexual activity’ (Harvey, S, 2014,).

‘HSV-2 can also be spread through pregnanc...

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Harvey, S, 2014, Herpes Simplex, UMMC, retrieved on april 1st 2014 from, http://umm.edu/health/medical/reports/articles/herpes-simplex

MIT Medical, 2011, Everything you need to know about herpes, Retrieved on April 2nd 2014 from, http://medweb.mit.edu/wellness/programs/herpes.html#prevention

SA Health, 2014, Herpes Simplex type 1 (cold sores or fever blisters), Symptoms, treatment and prevention. Retrieved on 2nd April 2014 from, http://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/public+content/sa+health+internet/health+topics/health+conditions+prevention+and+treatment/infectious+diseases/herpes+simplex+type+1/herpes+simplex+type+1+cold+sores+or+fever+blisters+-+symptoms+treatment+and+prevention.

WebMD, 2014, Genital Herpes health Center, Retrieved on April 1st 2014 from, http://www.webmd.com/genital-herpes/guide/genital-herpes-diagnosis

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