Heroism In Brodi Ashton's The Conductor Of The Underground Road

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Beyonce strolls onto stage and the crowd explodes with cheers and numerous thunderous applauses. Fans hold sign saying “I love you Beyonce!” or “You are my hero.” However, Brodi Ashton claims that heros are not famous celebrities but instead are people who sacrifice something to go out of their way to help others as stated, “Heroes are made by the paths they choose, not the powers they are graced with.” These passionate words of Brodi Ashton, speak of histories truest heroes. While many celebrities or historical figures can be considered as heroes, Harriet Tubman, Sherri Franklin, and Mahatma Gandhi, are the true examples of heroism. First off, Harriet Tubman, a true example of heroism, showed incredible traits such as, hard-working, considerate and selflessness. In the book, The Conductor of the Underground Railroad, by Ann Petry, a woman who was a slave that wanted freedom …show more content…

In the beginning, Gandhi states, ”You must be the change the world wishes to see” (Gandhi article). This reveals that often if there is a change in the world that needs to be made, heroes are the ones who initiate the change. Gandhi fought for India’s rights peacefully. For example, he made an agreement with Lord Irwin to end the Salt Satyagraha in exchange for concessions that included the release of thousands of political prisoners. Secondly, when other countries declared war on India, Gandhi pleaded other countries representatives discuss their perspective till a solution was formed. Finally, in the end of his book,Gandhi, An Autobiography Mahatma Gandhi reveals, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” This shows that Mahatma Gandhi only cared for the people and the independence of his country, yet not himself. Gandhi did not take these actions for wealth, and fame, he did it out of the kindness of his

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