Hermione Granger

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Hermione Granger, an iconic book and movie character who is seen as one of the most influential fictional characters of the past thirty years. She is one of three, and the only main female protagonist in the Harry Potter series. Not only does Hermione and myself share the same murky brown eyes and untamable locks of curls, we share common characteristics that define our personalities. Hermione possesses a sense of intelligence which she does not take for granted. I believe we share common intellect and expand it beyond ourselves. While she founded a social activism group (SPEW) and always fights for her beliefs, I tutor my peers in science, math, and english, as well as volunteer in local food pantry’s, other schools, and even attended a rally for social awareness for the environment. We both go beyond the minimum and work diligently, reaping the benefits constantly. Ambition is something Hermione and myself carry with pride. We challenge and excel in the most demanding subjects, have bright futures planned and want the best for ourselves. This is brought through discipline in our classwork and mindsets. It is the key to learning new ideas and making smart choices while showing the level of maturity it takes. …show more content…

I lead my group, whether it be in the classroom, on the court, or in other activities with a strong voice and compassionate heart. To some, this is seen as overbearing and bossy. I believe the sexist and negative connotation of the word “bossy” is often used to describe a girl trying to be a powerful leader. Many times a male counterpart is praised for giving orders in a group, or leading in class discussion, however if a female took charge, would instead be labeled as bossy. I, nor she, is afraid to be labeled as bossy, we are leaders who answer criticisms against us by being ourselves and embrace who we

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