Health Information Management

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The Important of the Health Information Management The Form of the Medical Record Done By Health Information Management Health information management is the very important component in caring health system. If you pay attention in this information management, you will know the way in getting, organizing, and keeping the medical record. The form of the medical record that is made of health information management (HIM) can be in traditional or modern technology. The form of the traditional medical report is written on the paper. Then, the form of the modern one is written on the electronic record using the computer. The form that is used today is both of them that can be paper and the electronic medical record. The function of the medical …show more content…

Some of them are written by hand, and then the others are written on the computer database. This can be function to make the guarantee in caring the medical care patient so the quality of it is in high quality. So, the work of some professional medical care can be evaluated regularly because there is the information written by health information management. Besides, evaluating it, HIM also coordinates with physicians in treating the sick people, making the administration about the medication in detail, deciding the medication that is appropriate, and retained as needed. The important function of health information The function of the health information management is so important. Even, it has the vital function for the medical industry. For that, in this modern era, the form of the health information has the transition from the traditional that is using the paper to the digital form to make it more efficient. Of course, the information about it really needed for every person. Every country in the world will need the information about the health care so in five years this profession n health information management will have a good opportunity because this sector will need some people to work in this field. How to become of a health information management

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