Have You Ever Learned About The Holocaust

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Have you ever learned about the Holocaust?The Holocaust was a tragic time where jews had to hide because they would have been killed if they were found. Though Anne Frank was Jewish she said “In spite of everything, I still believe people are really good at heart.” Besides all of the suffering and enmity Anne went through she seeked the good instead of bad. After reading the diary and seeing all the things they did I would have to agree with Anne’s quote because of the actions she had toward Peter. Although I do know that there are always two sides to every story so if I had chosen the disagreement I would have to choose the Action were Anne put the mop in Mr.Dussel's bed. I saw tons of kind things that Anne and others have done. I chose when Anne was being really nice to peter and didn't want him to leave so she begged her mom for him to stay. On page 124-126 Anne stated “Mother, you’re not putting peter out. Peter hasn't done anything.” When Anne said this they had been in hiding and they are almost at the end of hiding so it had almost been 2 years. So she has changed by being nice to not being nice a lot since they first moved in because when they first moved in they did not like each other. …show more content…

I chose the act when Anne was being mean to Mr.Dussel. She put a mop in his bed because she did not want a roommate. On page 65 she said ¨… I think back over all the things I did that were wrong - like putting that wep mop in Mr.Dussel's bed-and this thing now with my mother...¨. She was being really mean because she did not want a roommate. She was being selfish and ungrateful and I can see how some could maybe see how some people may disagree with Anne´s famous quote. Besides all the negative actions that could have taken place I still believe that “In spite of everything, I still believe people are really good at

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