Corporal Punishment Persuasive Essay

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When children misbehave the first thing is to talk to them, when an adult misbehaves there could be more consequences than that of a child. Many years ago, the world was a different place and rules were enforced harsher than they are today. A punishment given 20 years ago is completely different than one a child would receive today. The punishment is no longer a spanking but a timeout and a talking to. Discipline in schools has changed as well detention and suspension are becoming a thing of the past and in its place are new methods of discipline. Yet, harsher discipline should be a requirement in school today to make a better society later. On the opposition 's side, Skiba and Losen would say to use “Positive Behavioral Interventions and …show more content…

Corporal punishment should be used as a last resort when a child breaks the rules, but it should be used when the child maintains the behavior they had been talked to about. So, that the teacher can enforce rules to be followed and show that disruptive behavior will not be allowed in the classroom. If the child than after multiple attempts to fix the problem, still continues with such behavior they should be allowed to use corporal punishment. In a study conducted by “Gordon Central High School found that when teachers used corporal punishment instead of the standard in school detention, or suspensions that students were more willing to take a few paddles on the buttocks than the standard punishment. The school found that when students took the corporal punishment that they were more willing to think before they acted the next time” (Lee and McMahon 3). Therefore, using corporal punishment in school would have a positive behavioral effect later in …show more content…

Children seem to be misbehaving more because there aren’t as many consequences as in years past. Teachers are no longer as respected as they used to be since they don’t have the right force to control the classroom as they did in years past. Vockell gives a great example about just how useful corporal punishment is “that the punishment is very clear if the teacher gives detention for three days the child and teacher have to stay upset the whole time, were as if corporal punishment was used it would be done and over with” (278). When using corporal punishment students would realize the consequences the actions they are displaying would affect their learning experience. This would teach them how to respect the people that are teaching them and later on leading them. As more states change from the use of corporal punishment as an effective way to teach discipline and respect for authority the more issues there will be. Without using corporal punishment, a child may believe that using terrible language is and alright practice later on in life. Then when talking with a CEO finds out it’s not because they don’t receive a call about the job. Without giving children the right consequences for their actions they will never respect the authority that they will encounter later on in

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