Happy Garden Of Life Kurt Vonneghan Analysis

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Kurt Vonneghan through his writing is able to show a dystopia within a utopia by making clever hints and using descriptive language. In the world he has created in “2BR0BR”. From first glance you see a world within a system of a controlled society. Which is not presented until the audience is shown the full story. The start of the story goes into the life of Mr. Wheeling who’s wife is about to have triplets. An achievement to some; only in this world the human population is controlled. Which leaves only one option in order to keep the children. Three people need to take their place. This creates a conflict for our main character Mr.Wehling who ultimately met his fate when he decided to take matters into his own hands. With the society's rules …show more content…

He is described as a very “sardonic” old man. Sitting on a step ladder it seems as if the painting he is currently working on is provoking emotions. The old man's face filled with displeasure and disgust leaving the reader wondering the reason behind it. We discover it is not because of the quality of the painting, but for the meaning behind it. He calls it the “Happy Garden of Life” For what seems to be a happy garden he was a grumpy man. Reason being he was going through such an internal conflict. The painter says, “ You think this is my idea of what life really looks like?” (2). The painter sees the lies behind the picture he is painting the world he lives in. A cruel one to him, because of the rules implemented. He is a stander to the actions of Mr.Wheeling and decided he couldn't take no more of it and putting the gun to his head. Not being able to pull the trigger he gives up his own life calling the number “2BR02B”. Which is ultimately what we find this story to be a question about the fate of life. In a world where if someone is born then another life has to be taken leaving the audience wondering whether or not this world is a

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