Han China vs Ancient Rome

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In the classical period of world history, the Han Dynasty of China and the Republic of Rome both went through periods of massive growth and prosperity as well as devastating downturns, collapses, and eventually dissolution. These two sprawling entities, although similar in certain aspects, were also profoundly different and it is these differences and similarities that had a major impact on the development of their regions throughout history and even the modern world today. There were major similarities and differences between Han China and Rome in regards to aspects such as the civil service exams, political system of governance, and commerce. Overall, there are more differences between China under the Han Dynasty and the Roman Empire than similarities. The Civil Service Exam played a major role in both the societies of Han China and the Republic of Rome as it provided their citizens a way to progress in life, economically and socially. Both civil service exams in the Republic of Rome and the Han Dynasty in China were open to all citizens, with some exclusions to the impoverished, giving them the chance to move up the socioeconomic ladder in society. The Roman civil service exam prepared their citizens for utilitarian careers and trades in fields such as carpentry, smithery, construction, etc. A relatively high number of people who took the Roman civil service exam passed in proportion to all of the participants. However, this was very different from the Imperial Examinations under the Han Dynasty, where the examination, prepared citizens exclusively, for a career in the government. Also, the Han civil service exam was much more rigorous, with higher demands of the people who took the exam, resulting in only a minuscule fractio... ... middle of paper ... ...ny similarities when it came to their government’s focus on the development of trade routes, roads, and other forms of infrastructure as well as the fact that both offered the opportunity to take civil service exams to a wide majority of their people and that major economic downturns lead to the inherent collapse of their empires. But they had more differences than similarities especially in regards to their established political system, the different nature of the civil service exams, different forms of trade that played major roles in their economies, and the levels of dependence of the East and West on each other for goods. These factors, among many would greatly affect the development of history and the entire world would be arguably, much more different if it were not for the contrasting and similar aspects of China under the Han Dynasty and the Roman Empire.

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