Hammurabi Code Of Laws Essay

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Throughout history, many civilizations have lived by some sort of system of social, political, religious, and economic laws. Most of these laws were set up as guidelines for moral behavior, family life, government, and business. These types of laws had been around in some form before hammurabi for centuries before he came along. so although there were still plenty of laws created before the hammurabi code of law, the Hammurabi Code of Law was the first set of social laws that was of great length. Although it was created so long ago, it actually was more fair than many previous sets of laws. It also is the earliest example of someone accused of a crime to be treated and considered innocent until actually proven guilty. The Hammurabi Code Of Law was created in order for King Hammurabi to better rule his empire. At the time he created the Hammurabi Code Of Law, he had conquered a large region. Clearly he could not have everyone who commited a crime to come before him, that would be nearly impossible. So, he created the Hammurabi Code Of Law to give people a set of punishments for crimes that appointed judges would carry out. The Hammurabi Code Of Law had almost 300 crimes and the punishments to go along with them written on a 7 foot tall stele in a public setting for everyone to read and study. Having …show more content…

If you had to wait weeks, months, years even, to present your case to the king and get justice for a crime, chances are you would take matters into your own hands or just let it go and get no justice. The Hammurabi Code Of Law gave people an immediate court set up to punish those who commit a crime. It also created a set list of punishments, so everyone in the same social class would get the same punishment, making it more fair than one person deciding what punishment to give someone that day, and another day declaring a different punishment for the exact same

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