Hamlet's Tragic Flaw Essay

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Many a people would say Hamlet’s tragic flaw would be his cowardice “Thus conscience does make cowards of us all… And [we] lose the name of action” (I. I. 85). Some may even ask why he didn’t act sooner, thinking that his fear was hindering him. However I do think the descent of his circumstance began far earlier in the play. Previously all the kingdom had thought king Hamlet died from a snakes poison, only Hamlet knew the truth of his father’s passing. The ghost told Hamlet that his father’s death was brought upon by Claudius “The serpent that did sting thy father’s life now wears his crown.”(I. V. 39), and instructed him to avenge his death. After this point Hamlet’s spur to action was driven by the chance of retribution for his father’s deceptive demise, being kindled by the close accord between his father and himself. Hamlet had a respect for his father that was precedent to all father son relationships. When his father died he was propelled into a whirlwind of emotion that is evident in Act I Scene II when Hamlet tells Gertrude “I’ve got more real grief inside me that …show more content…

Now to my word” (I. V. 111). He successfully did this by organizing a play to reenact the death of his beloved father the way he knew it to be, the way the ghost told it. During the play Hamlet watched Claudius closely to observe his reaction, and to Hamlets avail the king did in fact react to the show saying “Turn on the lights. Get me out of here!” (III. II. 254). Hamlet’s mother Gertrude was upset and confused by Hamlet’s behavior and demanded she have a word with him alone sending Polonius to give word “My lord, the queen wants to speak with you right away” (III. II. 38). There Polonius hid behind tapestry to spy on their conversation, leading Hamlet to think Claudius was the one hiding. Hamlet then drew his sword and murdered Polonius “Oh, I am slain” (III. IV.

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