Hamlet vs The Lion King

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Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Disney’s The Lion King share some similarities, where the characters presented are closely related. Noticeably, it is obvious that Simba’s character parallels that of Hamlet. Born into royal blood, both prince Hamlet and Simba are introduced into a life of privilege. It is said that Hamlet possesses one of the most complex personalities in literature, mainly due to his erratic behaviour that renders it difficult to draw conclusions. Hamlet’s whit and charms are presented in his eloquent speech and general acquisition with other flat characters in the play that seem to capture his good nature. The clear similarities that Hamlet and Simba contain are the loss of their fathers, by the hand of their uncles. Both grief-stricken and in mourning, Hamlet and Simba seem to be the only two characters truly morning the loss of their king, seen in the lack of appreciation and respect associated to the death of Mufasa and Hamlet (Sr). However, the evident difference arises from what actions Hamlet and Simba take after acquiring the knowledge of their deceased fathers. Ham...

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