Hamlet Madness Essay

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What is madness? Through history, there have been countless reports of “madness” as defined by either family or friends. Yet, what is the true definition? The dictionary definition of madness is, “the state of being mentally ill, especially severely,” but that is not what Shakespeare shows through his play Hamlet. In Shakespeare’s Hamlet readers are thrown into the heart of Denmark, torn by turmoil and suspicion after the late King’s death. Hamlet then embarks on an emotional journey to avenge his father’s murder and restore peace, but at the same time wrecks havoc on his own mind. Unable to cope with his problems, he falls into madness. Hamlet’s lover, Ophelia, is also driven mad by the conflicting emotions eventually causing her to commit …show more content…

The visit of his father’s ghost causes Hamlet to be very troubled and curse the thought that he has now this new responsibility to his father to avenge him, “Rest, rest, perturbèd spirit.—So, gentlemen, with all my love I do commend me to you, and what so poor a man as Hamlet is may do t’ express his love and friending to you, God willing, shall not lack. [...] The time is out of joint. O cursèd spite that ever I was born to set it right (1.5.204-211)!” The King’s ghost was seen only by Hamlet and his few friends, which makes his friends question Hamlet’s sanity even as the play begins which indicates their suspicion that he is indeed mad. Hamlet dreads the ghost’s wishes to kill his uncle and avenge his father, so he contemplates suicide, but he also is unable to follow through on suicide as he is afraid of what lies on the other side of death. Hamlet’s long “To be or not to be” monologue allows Shakespeare to emphasize Hamlet’s fear of death, the afterlife, and the unknown. Combined with the grief left over from his father’s death, fear drives him to this mindset of uncertainty and an inability to act that will ultimately lead to his

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