What Is Hamlet's Suicide

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Throughout William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Hamlet contemplates death for many tragic reasons at this time in his life. Hamlet fights back and forth with himself not knowing what is better, some would say he is obsessed with death. You will discover some reasons and get some proof of his suicidal thoughts. In this story Hamlet starts off sad and it turns to depression, leading to thoughts of death. I will be discussing Hamlet’s views on death. The story starts out with a ghost, symbolizing death. The ghost of the king, who also happens to be Hamlet’s father. The death of his father makes him depressed and is one of the biggest reasons for Hamlet to even question death. Not the ghost but his father’s death alone causes his downward spiral. “I …show more content…

The whole speech is asking should I live or not, he questions if the suffering is worth the living. “To die, to sleep, to sleep! Perchance to dream, ay, there’s a rub” in this quote he is saying that he thinks being dead is like sleeping. This bothers him not knowing what death would be like and he goes on to talk about how he doesn’t know what dreams could happen. Death is inevitable and irreversible, getting caught up in the thoughts of death is understandable and could make a person depressed. At one point he says that if he didn’t believe in a higher power he would end his life because he thinks it would be …show more content…

He loves Ophelia but seeing as how his mothered loved his father and still married shortly after his death he views all girls the same. He still loves Ophelia but has trouble trusting her and seeing that she would be different than his mother. Hamlet confuses Ophelia with his love and hate he eventually drives her just as mad as he is. A writer says “Hamlet’s and Ophelia’s madness raise the question of death by suicide. There is a contrast between Ophelia’s mad suicide and Hamlet’s contemplated one.” Ophelia seems to not handle her madness as well as Hamlet, but he does very bad thing while being alive. She doesn’t want to get to that point goes out to the lake and falls out a tree to her death by drowning. Hamlet doesn’t commit suicide but plans to kill his uncle and kills her father which is what leads her most to

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