Hamlet Gender Roles Essay

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Gender plays as much of a role in the modern day as it did in the time that Shakespeare wrote his wonderful play, Hamlet. With the men in the society often premeditating what happens in the life of the women. In the case of Shakespeare’s Hamlet we are able to see that the true nature of gender as we have characters like Ophelia,and Gertrude. As Ophelia has her life dominated by men as they are able to cloud her judgement. Shakespeare’s use of Ophelia is only to improve the stock that men have. The men around Ophilia are portrayed as clever, smart, courageous yet, always remaining to be the one that is seen as the mad and unstable women that is pushed to become. While Gertrude is a character who is an affectionate, and caring character that tries to make the best out of the situations that she is placed in. This is nevertheless, unimportant as the misogynist thoughts that the men in the play have towards her lead her. Shakespeare’s portrayal of women in the play Hamlet is that of one to serve only the men that are in the play catering to their emotional, sexual, financial and other needs that they have never able to develop. A feminist is needed in women because without this feminist identity women will be easily manipulated by men. Ophelia role for Hamlet the man that she believes to love uses Ophelia is for …show more content…

Shakespeare is also uses women as a vessel as he is able to have a psychoanalytic criticism of Hamlet as he is able to comment of the way that his depression and sadness of his father’s death, failed loves and how all of this results in the way that he treats women. As shakespeare is able to expand on the complexity of a character like Hamlet who appears as crazy, mysognostic, and disrespectful, expanding on the motives behind why Hamlet acts the way that he

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