Ham, the Space Monkey and NASA

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The Space Monkey Research Paper The Space Monkey was a good thing because it helped our space exploration and he was the first to send an animal into space. NASA should keep exploring space and do whatever it takes to do it even if that means an animal going through harsh training for preparation to the next mission. The Space Monkey started a fire because it was the first animal in space for the U.S., the training and preparation, helped NASA’s space era, and people were up set for animal cruelty. The Space Monkey was the first animal into space for the U.S. The Space Monkey was also known as “Ham”, by his close friends and trainers. Then came that final day and that everyone new Ham would make history. “Ham woke up on January 31, 1961 like the average human did that day” (Life). He ate is breakfast and went on to finish the mission he was born to do. “He then boarded a NASA space capsule and was shot into space at thousands of miles per hour he then traveled more than 150 miles above Earth’s surface” (Life). The mission lasted about a little over 15 minutes. After everybody around the world heard about the mission being a success, they started to do the same. NASA and their employees started to train their animals a lot more to be able to make the mission there and back alive. Ham was one of the animals they started to train more and better. He was a quick, easy learner, and had fun with it. “What made Ham so unique and different than all the other animals was that he was trained on how to use the equipment and to stay away from electrical hazards if a malfunction or a circuit board were to overheat or blow up” (Animals in Space). Ham’s trainers worked very hard day after day, week after week on preparing him so he could s... ... middle of paper ... ...y, it helped NASA in their space race and exploration, and many people thought it was animal cruelty for Ham the Space Monkey. This was a big thing in the 1960’s and did start a fire. NASA could have used no animal cruelty and still have got Ham into space. NASA did an outstanding job on preparing for this in the early 1960’s, and it was a great day for all of us when Ham came back to Earth on January 31, 1961 and came back alive, as a hero to all of us. Works Cited "Animals in Space." Animals in Space. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Mar. 2014. "Life." LIFE. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2014. Mungin, Lateef, and Mitra Mobasherat. "Iran Claims 2nd Launch of Monkey into Space and Back." CNN. Cable News Network, 14 Dec. 2013. Web. 04 Mar. 2014. "PETA Blasts Iran’s 1960s-Era Space Program." PETA PETA Blasts Irans 1960sEra Space Program Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2014.

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