Haleigh Case Study

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Haleigh is currently at the Division of Youth Services as a runaway. There was an incident that took place on Mother’s Day (05.13.2014). It was reported when Haleigh returned from a friend’s home, she had gotten into an altercation with her mother, Cynthia, and stepfather, Michael. An unknown male brought Haleigh home, and Michael made a threat to the male. Michael called Haleigh a whore, and he told Haleigh she will let anyone fuck her. Michael hit Haleigh on the right arm with his hand, and he also shoved her away from him. Cynthia also slapped Haleigh on the left side of her face. The incident took place, because Haleigh was brought home by a male. It was reported Cynthia offered to get Haleigh, but Haleigh stated she had a way home. The …show more content…

Per Haleigh, her mother and stepfather verbally abuses her, and they scream at her a lot. Michael mainly calls her a whore. Cynthia calls Haleigh sluts, bitches, a piece of shit, worthless, and selfish. Cynthia has told Haleigh she makes people miserable, and she also told Haleigh she cannot come back home. After school yesterday, 05.14.2018, Haleigh did not go home; she went to her friend Gracie’s home, because her mother told her not to return home. Because Haleigh didn’t return home, Cynthia reported her as a runaway. Per Haleigh, a month ago, her mother left a bruise on her upper arm. She was hit with a hand. Per Haleigh, Cynthia thought Haleigh had an attitude. Per Haleigh, her friend Aaliyah is a witness to the abuse. Per Cynthia, Aaliyah isn’t allowed at the home, so Aaliyah being a witness to the abuse isn’t true. Haleigh has been crying, and she does not want to return back home; she wants to be with her aunt or grandmother. The basic needs of Haleigh aren’t a concern for the reporter. Per mother, Haleigh has been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, ADHD, and bipolar. Haleigh takes medication Zoloft, Vyvanse, and Lamotrigine. Per reporter, the mother denied slapping Haleigh, and admitted to only calling Haleigh

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